Friday, March 24, 2017

عودة عمرو أديب: نظرة فى استاتيكا القوة فى مجتمعنا

A must-see to understand how Egypt works, and what you should be doing if you aspire to build an empire around town here:

ملاحظة (1):
فى أول الفيديو عمرو بيحكى عن المستوى الطبى فى مستشفيات مصر و مدى خبرة و علم و حذاقة أطبائها و بيقول أنه "ما لوش معارف" نافيًا يعنى إن أى حاجة من اللى حصلتله تكون بسبب موقعه فى البلد :D

إنما من دقيقة 19:45 بيحكى عن الناس اللى كلمته و كانت بتطمن عليه و منهم ناس بشكل يومى.. أول 3 أشخاص كانوا بالترتيب:
1. عبدالفتاح السيسى (الرئيس)
2. اللواء عباس كامل بشكل يومى (مدير مكتب الرئيس)
3. الوزير خالد فوزى (مدير المخابرات العامة)

ملاحظة (2):
The Adib family shows a very impressive (also very risky, since you don't mix any two of these: politics, business, religion) power-accumulation scheme, that also (like many other powerful families in Egypt) started with an intellectual superiority of the father!

ملاحظة (3):

Families are capable of sustaining power significantly more than individuals.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Social media behavior and imperfect information [Vlog]

So, I'm resuming my awesome video-blogging activities, because I have so much to say and so little time to draft it in Magdyish-quality writing.

This one discusses something I have been thinking about for quite sometime: my social media behavior, what to do about it, and whether something from the economic literature could help analyze what social media has been doing to our lives. [it's mostly in Arabic though]

نظرًا لانشغالى الشديد فى هذه الفترة العصيبة و الحاسمة من تاريخ المستر مجدى عن الكتابة بالجودة التى أرتضيها لنفسى، فقد قررت استئناف تدوينى لأهم ما يجول برأسى من خلال الكاميرا.

تم تسجيل هذا المقطع ليلة الجمعة 17 مارس و يتناول آخر ما توصل إليه العلم الحديث فى مسألة تبعات سلوكياتنا على مواقع التواصُل الاجتماعى مع- بالطبع- لمحة اقتصادية خفيفة.

Friday, March 17, 2017

On my therapist

I have a bittersweet relationship with psychotherapy.

And it's been always very amusing and quite funny for me torturing my very nice PhD student therapist about the validity of what she's doing. She always comes to me suggesting doing this test or that therapeutic technique or whatever, and I'm like: "Uhmm, is this statistically proven to work? like, which paper has that been published on?" And that would trigger her faceless features to turn into widening eyes and a serious non-smiling grin, changes her fixture to be more directed at me, and then she starts speaking faster about how : "dude, it's like published in this and that and I will lend you the books next time."

The only reason I started seeing a therapist a few months ago, is because I had this healthy reevaluation of friendships that led to me going as a lone wolf for some time, but, ya, positive/supportive friends ALWAYS beat therapists, because what I believe in is: we know the answer, or at least I do know the answers to all the BS going on in my life, and I just need someone to lend an ear!

The reason I am bothering to write this is because I followed some advice she gave me (that she spent like half a session arguing for) against what I had initially set my mind on, and it BACKFIRED as I expected and ruined my plans!

It's like going to a pretty bad restaurant, and then you're like: "okay, I tried it once. I know it's sh*tty by now- not ever going again."--- EXCEPT, this time I got food poisoning!!